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Generate new product concepts with the FTC card game

The future technology center has developed a card game for generating new product concepts. The card game can be played in one or more groups. In the first round, each group makes a priority selection from the consumer cards. The selected consumer cards define the needs that must be fulfilled by the new product and stay on the table during the game. In the next round, each technology card is being associated with the consumer cards on the table and a selection of contributing technology cards is made. Also these cards stay on the table. With the selected consumer and technology cards, the group further interacts and associates in order to generate and define new product concepts. These concepts are sketched on wild cards. The concept with the smallest amount of technology cards is the winner.


Consumer cards

Consumers issues
Market and social-economic trends

Technology cards

New upcoming technologies or technologies from other industry segments


Describing new product concepts

If you're interested in using this card game or in a customized future card game please contact us.


Future Technology Center © 2005